If your goal is holistic healing, Zhineng Qigong offers powerful tools for transformation. This pathway involves immersive healing retreats and personalized therapies. Healing Retreats: Participate in retreats held in serene locations, focusing on health and wellness through intensive practice. Experience deep healing and relaxation in a strong qi field created by experienced teachers and fellow practitioners. Personalized Therapies: Work one-on-one with a skilled Qigong therapist. Learn Zhineng Qigong tools and receive personal external Qi treatments to address specific health concerns. Explore: [Hunyuan Qi Therapy Treatments, Holistic Health Retreats]
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2. Deepening Your Qigong Practice
For those looking to advance their Zhineng Qigong practice, there are endless nuances and methods to explore. This path is ideal for those who are already familiar with Zhineng Qigong and wish to take their practice to the next level, potentially becoming a Zhineng Qigong Teacher or Hunyuan Qi Therapist. Advanced Practices: Learn methods such as wall squats, chen qi, body & mind, and the 3 centres merge method, along with countless meditations. Teacher & Therapist Training: Take the step towards becoming a Zhineng Qigong Teacher or Hunyuan Qi Therapist. Explore: [Hunyuan Qi Therapy, Teacher Training]
1. Starting Your Qigong Practice
If you’re new to Zhineng Qigong, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the foundational practices, techniques, and methods. Whether you prefer a community setting or individual practice, there are options available to suit your learning style. Join a Community: Practice within a supportive environment with experienced teachers and like-minded individuals. Choose between online courses and in-person workshops. Our online programs offer structured lessons, guided practice sessions, and feedback from instructors. Individual Practice: If you prefer practicing on your own, explore our training packages that delve into each method in depth. Explore: [Life Changer Courses, Workshops, and Events] REGISTER TODAY!
The Medicine-less Hospital
The Hua’Xia Zhineng Qigong Center, founded by Grandmaster Dr Pang Ming, was revolutionary in treating illnesses with Zhineng Qigong. It treated up to 400,000 patients suffering from various illnesses with a 95% success rate.
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Physical Health in Qigong
There are only two types of illness in Zhineng Qigong, and with this in mind all the methods have been catered to support recovery. Learn more from these stories!
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Hunyuan Qi is fundamental to Zhineng Qigong. Major theories such as the theory of Hunyuan Qi and Hunyuan Entirety form the building blocks of the entire practice. Needless to say, it is important and often seen as “the key to healing”.
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Improve your Mental Health with Zhineng Qigong
Mental Health is a major topic, not just in the world of Qigong. While you may be interested in knowing that Zhineng Qigong treats mental illness like any other illness, explore these perspectives from accredited Masters and teachers.
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The Mingmu Method
Mingmu, a Zhineng Qigong technique created by Master Dong Xinjian, is commonly used for improving eyesight and eradicating illnesses and issues of the eyes. Find out more about the mingmu method!
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Qi Blockages in Zhineng Qigong
Qi Blockages are a huge topic in Zhineng Qigong. These blockages, which can be cause by a number of factors, often cause illness. Practitioners practice various methods in order to promote their healing.
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Within the lower back there is innate Qi that supports and nourishes the whole body. This Qi can be accessed with Zhineng Qigong methods like the Wall Squat method.
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Zhineng Qigong Masters
Qigong Masters are often seen as guides of the practice. With enriching wisdom, extensive experience in Zhineng Qigong, and with the gift of being great teachers. Here find Zhineng Qigong Masters in abundance.
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The topic of enlightenment is one of great importance. When Master Wei was asked about it, he said it is achievable. One can prepare for it by having clear intentions and discarding attachments.
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Mingjue is a consciousness practice focused on achieving awareness. While some have likened it to mindfulness, it has also been described as a holistic state of being.
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In Ancient times, super abilities were far more common compared to today! In Zhineng Qigong the true self naturally experiences paranormal abilities. These abilities (such as supernormal sending, receiving, thinking and, human body phenomena) are inherent functions of the human body. When the consciousness is pure and fully concentrated these abilities become more active.
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Adjusting the Mind
In Qigong, it is believed that initially the mind is fragmented and separated into an array of things. With this meditation, practitioners adjust their mind in order to concentrate and unite their consciousness.
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Yoga and Qigong have more in common than you think! Both involve the use of consciousness, energy and energy centers, and philosophical and spiritual benefit. Elena Bartke, Yoga teacher and Qigong enthusiast sums it up perfectly in this blogpost.
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Dr Pang Ming
Dr Pang is a significant figure in the history of Qigong. He created Zhineng Qigong after devoting decades to training in various Qigong forms as well as Martial Arts, Traditional Chinese medicine and Western Medicine. In 1988, he founded the Hua’Xia Zhineng Qigong Training Center in China, which quickly became popular for its miraculous approach to healing.
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The mysterious Qi field
A Qi field contains the holistic structure and information of everything within it. Setting up a Qi field is a fundamental aspect of Zhineng Qigong and Qi healing. It can be done for various purposes including making mundane day to day tasks more exciting and rewarding. Dr Pang Ming revolutionized the idea of the Qi field in several ways.
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Breaking the Reference framework
A reference framework is defined as the perceptions, beliefs, behaviours and experiences that shape our world. It impacts our view of ourselves and our life. Breaking the reference framework involves ridding oneself from all these limitations in order to shift to a new entirety state.
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The starting posture regulates the entire body. This position of the body allows for better circulation of the blood, allowing Qi (life force energy) to flow easily. It is essential to any method you do in Zhineng Qigong. It is the starting point to any method you do in Zhineng Qigong!
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The Eight Verses of Zhineng Qigong
The Eight Verses of life meditation was created by Grandmaster Dr Pang Ming. Its purpose is to set up a Qi field and it serves as an important tool to adjust the mind. When reciting the eight phrases, we go into a deep practice state by connecting with the universe. Each verse allows us to merge with the natural world, and embrace a state of entirety with it. Practitioners use this mediation before each practice.
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