Mini Guides to Zhineng Qigong
The Theory of Hunyuan Whole Entity
Foundation of Zhineng Qiqong Science
By Dr. Pang Ming
Translated by Zhang Yuhong
Master Liu Zhjun
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Basic Theories and Methods of Zhineng Qigong
Translated by Master Yuantong Liu based on the works of Dr. Pang Ming
To order this book, please visit the following websites:
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Overview of Zhineng Qigong Science: Textbook Series of Zhineng Qigong – 1
By Dr. Pang Ming
Translated by Zhang Yuhong and Liu Zhijun
To order this book, please visit the following website:
Exploration of the Eight Verses of Zhineng Qigong Meditation
This book was created to provide beginners and practitioners alike with a basic understanding of the eight verses while staying true to Dr Pang’s teachings and the origin of Zhineng Qigong. It is aimed at utilizing the eight verses to keep a calm, positive mind set while going through the daily challenges of life. It was made to encourage students to find their own solutions within themselves, and to guide an experience of mental strength, inner peace, and lightness. To help students reach a better understanding, this book is filled with links and sourced videos as well as quotes from Dr Pang Ming.
While Part 1 of our e-book was focussing on how to strengthen your back through meditation, Part 2 features some highly effective physical exercises! Your e-book includes a number of training videos showing you the exact movements to support your healing and wellbeing
Most illnesses and experiences of pain are the consequence of stress and tension within the body. Although pain creates a great discomfort and suffer- ing that leaves many people hopeless and fearful, in the context of Zhineng Qigong pain can also be regarded as a sign of imbalance. Imbalances can easily occur due to insufficient Qi or blockages in the Qi flow. Based on the “La Qi” Method you will find three healing mediations and additional explanations of how to resolve these bolckages.
Keeping your physical body position in a correct and relaxed posture is an easy way to nurture your Qi effectively and well. The correct posture will induce the Qi and blood to flow more freely and abundantly in the Qi pathways of your body. Staying in a correct body posture during our daily life activities also supports preventing to contract a disease.
The Hua Xia Zhineng Qigong Training Centre became known as the first medicine-less hospital and has treated more than 400 000 patients with over 180 different diseases, achieving an overall effectiveness rate of 95%. We spoke to Master Yuantong Liu, reflecting on what can be learned from the first medicine-less hospital, and how its wisdom, teachings and healing methods are relevant to this day.
The “Lift Qi Up Pour Qi Down method”, as part of the Zhineng Qigong Science theories, tools and practices, aims to improve one’s health and activate the selfhealing abilities of one’s body.
Teacher Dong is confident in Zhineng Qigong’s ability to improve eyesight because of its benefits in overall health. The basic theory of Qigong is holism, the entirety: everything is about Oneness within the human system and in the universe.
La Qi teaches us how to unite with and allow Qi and information transformation to affect our lives in a positive way. Through practice we learn how to use positive information from the Qi field of the universe, nature, human beings or any other object to eliminate any kind of blockages or leakages in our body.